Date Converters

Simplify your time calculations and access all the conversions you need in one place.



To Timestamp: 📋

To ISO 8601: 📋

To Day of Week: 📋

To Day of Year: 📋

About Date

The "Date" class is a data structure that allows representing and manipulating dates in computer systems. It enables storing information about the year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond of a given date.

Evolution and Standards

Over time, several standards and conventions have emerged for date representation. These include the ISO 8601 format, the UNIX timestamp format, and the date format commonly used in database systems. The "Date" class has been adapted to support these standards and facilitate interoperability between systems.

Date conversions

Date to Timestamp

Converting date to a timestamp (or milliseconds) allows you to represent a specific moment in time as a numeric value. Timestamps are commonly used in databases and computer systems for accurate timekeeping and data manipulation.

If you are looking for the opposite conversion, you can visit: milliseconds to date.

Date to ISO 8601

Converting date to ISO 8601 format ensures standardization and compatibility across different systems and applications. ISO 8601 is widely adopted for representing dates and times in a clear and unambiguous way, facilitating data exchange and communication.

Date to Day of Week

Converting date to the day of the week provides valuable information about the temporal context of a given date. Knowing the day of the week is useful for scheduling events, planning activities, and analyzing trends over time.

Date to Day of Year

Converting date to the day of the year allows you to express a date's position within a calendar year as a numeric value. This information is valuable for various purposes, such as calculating elapsed time, tracking seasonal patterns, and organizing data chronologically.